It's our first (hopefully) annual "Bulk up for Winter Bulk Sale!"

Happy autumn everyone! And what a lovely autumn it is so far... We hope you're enjoying it as much as we are. I just love working in the field on a sunny autumn afternoon, when it's just the right temperature, with a slight breeze, the smells of fall in the air, sweet dry grass and rose hips, all to the chorus of crickets... Don't get me wrong, we're still plenty busy and there's lots to be done, but the promise of less hectic days is near and the work at the moment seems a little less hard.

In the meantime the sunny fall weather is allowing us to work smoothly and efficiently at all the big jobs of the season, including harvesting squash and root crops, and finally planting garlic. And with that said, here is the main reason for this post- we've decided to offer a fall bulk sale a few favourite storage crops, including carrots, garlic, and squash.

We're offering these in bulk quantities only, which, if you have the fridge/ shelf space, will last you well into winter. If not, we encourage you to split a big bag of carrots or a box of squash with a friend. On the other hand, some of you may be looking for even more garlic (we're selling it in 3 lb bags), so in that case please order as many bags as you'd like.

Pick up will be Saturday, October 1, here at our farm. You can order now, but the order cut off is Thursday, September 29.

For more details about what's available and to place an order go to our store.

By all means if you have any questions just let us know. Otherwise we hope to see some of you on October 1. And if not, well, we still wish all of you a happy autumn!